CSI ETABS NL V9.2.0 英文正式版(建築結構分析與設計軟體)
Read install.txt from LEGEND dir
國際領先的建築結構分析與設計軟體, ETABS除一般高層結構計算功能外,還可計算鋼
結構、鉤、頂、彈簧、結構阻尼運動、斜板、 變截面梁或腋梁等特殊構件和結構非線
性計算(Pushover, Buckling,施工順序加載等),甚至可以計算結構基礎隔震問題,
For nearly 30 years, ETABS has been recognized as the
industry standard for Building Analysis and Design
Software. Today, continuing in the same tradition, ETABS
has evolved into a completely Integrated Building Analysis
and Design Environment. The System built around a physical
object based graphical user interface, powered by targeted
new special purpose algorithms for analysis and design,
with interfaces for drafting and manufacturing, is
redefining standards of integration, productivity and
technical innovation.
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